Thursday, August 21, 2008

Terrible Month

*sigh* August is a terrible & bad month. I overspend this month till now can barely survive. This month have to paid car loan installment, give family money, paid car road tax, paid phone bill & car service. Just this few sh!t, already more than half of my salary. T__T.

Sooner, I won't be as relax as current time. Just receive some news that my company managed to get a few big project. Therefore, my stressful life gonna back very soon. Well, there is nothing unusual happen lately. And, there is not much thing to do in office except last week where i had to finish 10 drawing for submission of tender project. It's take me few days to finish it off. Rushing the drawing day and night. O_o

Memory of those days...

The Box Of Heart

ShoutOut Lounge

ShoutOut Lounge

Lowyat.Net Gathering

Redbox Lowyat.Net Gathering

Chinese New Year

"Cherrish every single precious moment you have as it might be reason pushing you forward"

0 deVince: